Co-Curricular Activities

"Every seed in its sleep awaits light" The most important function of education at any level is to develop the person as an individual. Towards this purpose we lay special emphasis on students participating in a variety of Co-curricular activities. The participation of students in co curricular and extracurricular activities is an expression of this creativity and growing minds We are committed to nurturing their growing minds by continually re-inventing the co- curricular programme of the school to meet the growing needs. Number of skills are honed through these activities.

Supplementary Activities

JPS offers multitude supplementary activities like presentations, project work, role-play & drama, group discussions, quizzing, inter class & intra class activities, models & chart making, practical application in laboratories & workshops.

School Visits and trips

Special visits are arranged from time to time to places connected with the work the children are doing in school. Visits usually take place in school hours.

Co Curricular Activities

The goal of education is the development of the integrated personality of each pupil. In order to strive to achieve this mammoth goal, education cannot be merely confined to the teaching learning process in the classrooms. Students collectively and individually have to go beyond the classrooms under the aegis of teachers and mentors to draw out the best in them, discovering their potentialities and hidden talents which are inherent in the human nature to its highest potential in the form of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. As a result co-curricular activities along with the intellectual formation, prepares a child to face the challenges in the world, discovering his or her dormant talents within. Keeping this goal in mind and adhering ourselves to our vision and motto “Education is a Joyful Learning” we, at Jain Public School, have been organizing various co-curricular activities periodically to enhance and enrich the teaching learning process.

Community initiatives or social activities

Awareness on environment by visiting neighboring villages conducts rallies on environment and on save lakes. Environment day, Visitng orphanage.