A Day at JPS

The day at JPS, begins with the morning Assembly which is worked on a predetermined theme. The Assembly in itself is a celebration where every class gets a turn once in a Month to put up their theme assembly. This in itself is a great learning experience for the child as the child is exposed to various areas of learning. The children themselves have to handle every aspect and this has in turn helped children to overcome stage fear, develop leadership skills, crisis management and team building in a beneficial and challenging environment.

"Every seed in its sleep awaits light" The most important function of education at any level is to develop the person as an individual. Towards this purpose we lay special emphasis on students participating in a variety of Co-curricular activities. The participation of students in co curricular and extracurricular activities is an expression of this creativity and growing minds We are committed to nurturing their growing minds by continually re-inventing the co- curricular programme of the school to meet the growing needs. Number of skills are honed through these activities.