Student Support Services

"Every seed in its sleep awaits light" The most important function of education at any level is to develop the person as an individual. Towards this purpose we lay special emphasis on students participating in a variety of Co-curricular activities. The participation of students in co curricular and extracurricular activities is an expression of this creativity and growing minds We are committed to nurturing their growing minds by continually re-inventing the co- curricular programme of the school to meet the growing needs. Number of skills are honed through these activities.

Reinforcement Classes

We at Jain Public School believe every child possesses special intelligence, which he/she exhibit in either academics or sports or CCA. Every child in the school is given additional help in academics under the supervision of a teacher.


Mentoring is included in the tactful time-table of JPS, helps the children improve their previous self, where in they gain self confidence, emerge as a good listener, an emotionally balanced person, who can handle situations independently.


Carefully planned time-table of JPS, assists the children to come out with the best in them. Through a series of activities we help them to gain the required impetus to face not only an examination at the end of the term but to face the test of life.


Now called as class assignment. A special status included in the Time table subjective to enable the students complete their homework under the guidance of relevant faculty to make it more meaningful, and stress free.

We at JPS, believe that every child is a bundle of excellence. Therefore we consider engaging and developing the learners’ intellectual capabilities and causing these to blossom and expand by providing an environment which is conducive to generate the stimulus necessary to keep both the learner and the teacher motivated.

True meaning of education is to ‘transform an empty mind, into an open mind’ We at JPS, have constantly strived to add value to the educational space. We trust that a wholesome education is possible when children are exposed to a well balanced formula of academics, sports and Co-curricular Activities. Towards this end we ensure that we as facilitators give that additional help and encouragement needed to hone these skills.

Class Assignments and Additional work to take home

As CBSE believes in Continuous Comprehensive Education, we monitor the children on a regular basis. Both individual and Group Assignments are taken up at School so that the children are guided through and helped to handle the work given in a more systematic and comprehensible manner. Additional work is given as home work to slow learners to reinforce the learning that has already been taken up at School.

Information on examination and assessment

Students are cautiously monitored and assessed throughout the year. We have a series of Class tests, Wednesday tests, Unit Tests and Term Examinations. We maintain the profile of every child both as hard copy and soft copy for the information of parents and teachers. We closely monitor the progress Chart of the child and work, keeping in mind the specific areas where the child needs to be guided and given extra support.